Our day at the Poudre Learning Center (PLC) was a fantastic chance to take what we’ve learned about Organisms and really explore and make connections.
Some parts of our day were sunny and beautiful, while other times were chilly and cold. Students were able to conduct some great science learning despite the cold.
During the day students had four different learning focuses; fossils, skulls & pelts, bird observation and aquatic invertebrates. The goal of all of these learning stations was to discover that organisms have characteristics that are similar and different.
Thank you so much to all of the parents, grandparents and teachers who volunteered their day. The following individuals contributed to the learning experiences and memories students will have for years:
Betsy Chisolm
Brooke Derstein
Raina Dietrich
Amy Dinkel
Cameron Duran
Annie Garrett
Erica Greenberg
Melissa Jones
Kristen Mann
Rose Martinez
Lew Seveste
Tamera Strang
Denise Vaardahl
Zach Wyn
We also had 3 volunteers from the Poudre Learning Center assisting students throughout the day. Thank you MaryAnn, Theresa, and Eve.
In the next few days, please take the time to challenge your child. Ask them about all four learning stations. What type of discoveries did you make? What type of scientific tools did you use? Did anything surprise you? Great scientists take the time to reflect on their discoveries and findings. Every student had fantastic discoveries!