Winter Updates

Conference Schedule

The Conference Schedule is now available.  Please contact me if you have any conflicts.

Standardized Testing Dates – TCAP

The dates for TCAP were just released.  Please be careful to avoid booking an appointment during any of these dates.

  • Tuesday, March 11
  • Wednesday, March 12
  • Thursday, March 13
  • Tuesday, March 18
  • Wednesday, March 19
  • Thursday, March 20 – Extra testing day for students who may have been absent.

Between 8:00-11:00 our students will be busy taking the test.

Field Trips

We have several field trips in April.  Please check out the Dates on our class website.  We can have one parent volunteer for each of the three field trips.  A parent volunteered to join us for Jackie & Me the play.  We still need a volunteer for Water Fest and the Earth Day Movie.  Please contact me if you are interested in joining us.

Although these field trips are not until April we are collecting money and permission forms now.  We must purchase tickets in advance since over 100 students are attending each event.  Fortunately, Water Fest will be FREE for our students.

PLP Form

I made photo copies of PLP forms and sent these home with students.  Please review the Personal Learning Plan with your student.  Any students that wish to share their PLP with the class (or other individuals at University Schools) should plan to share on Monday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 4.  The last day of the 2nd trimester is Wednesday, March 5.

Thank you as always for supporting your young learners.

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