Election Day

peytonToday all of the 4th grade students (117) gathered in the Auditorium for Election Day.  Our speeches started with Ed Clark, former mayor of Greeley, sharing a speech.  We are fortunate enough to have Mr. Clark working as head of security making University Schools one of the safest schools in the state of Colorado.  It was interesting to hear about his time as mayor.  Mr. Clark reminded our students that being mayor of Ameritowne will also be a big responsibility.

michaelFive students shared speeches for mayor, including Peyton from our class.  Next, all 5 candidates for judge shared their speeches, including Michael from our class.  No matter which job these students hold, all ten of the students involved will be leaders during our day of Ameritowne.

The voting opened at 12:00 on Thursday.  All of the students had a chance to electronically, anonymously submit their vote.  At the end of the day Friday, the student who will be mayor and the student who will be judge will be announced in each 4th grade class.  Congratulations to all of the students who were brave enough to share a speech and be a bulldog leader!

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