Author Archives: Mrs. Boyd
Rube Goldberg Machines
Over the past week, our students have been designing and creating Rube Goldberg Machines during our energy unit (science learning). During the 1930s and 1940s Rube Goldberg a cartoonist, became known for his drawings of complex machines that would accomplish … Continue reading
Happy Lunar New Year
Happy year of the Golden Pig! Our students are so excited to celebrate Lunar New Year. Students are willing to experiment and try new things while playing traditional Korean games. Thank you to our dedicated Korean Studies teachers and our … Continue reading
Biome Learning
Our 4th grade students have partnered with our 7th grade students for Science Learning. Recently, we visited the middle school to participate in a Biome Learning experiences that the 7th grade students designed. Different groups represented various biomes (grasslands, desert, … Continue reading
Music Concert Rehearsal
Our 4th grade students have been working diligently preparing for their Music Concert. Mr. Thompkins has guided students in composing a beautiful song. They wrote a song they call, “Winter Bells”. Listen to the beautiful music our young musicians created.
Cookie Mining – Rainforest Learning
Yesterday, our students made connections with rainforest destruction and how mining can destroy the rainforest. When individuals mine for various resources, they destroy everything and it is no longer a suitable habitat for plants and animals. Our students used … Continue reading
Rainforest Performance
Our students were outstanding on stage together. We are so proud of all the 4th grade students who performed. The play, based on the picture book The Great Kapok Tree was a success. The other elementary students in the audience … Continue reading
Building a “Kapok Tree”
Our students have been busy designing and building a “Kapok Tree” for the performance in a few weeks. Reclaimed wood was used for the foundation of the tree. Students even used their recess time to work in our MakerSpace to … Continue reading
Number Talk – Introduction to Multiplication
Today we began our new math topic, as we started learning about Multiplication. Starting math learning with a number talk is a great way to gather all of the students together and transition to our “math time”. After drawing twelve … Continue reading
Getting ready for an Author Visit
In two weeks Frank Cammuso will come to St. Johnsbury Academy Jeju. We are so excited to meet an author. As students prepare to meet Frank Cammuso we are exploring the graphic novels he creates. Students are using Epic to … Continue reading
Character Traits
During Reader’s Workshop we are currently studying character traits. Students are discovering that their favorite books often have complex characters. The people we enjoy reading about the most have many imperfections. As a reader, a story is often more interesting … Continue reading