Category Archives: Physical Education
Track Meet 2014
Our 4th grade students are great athletes. Â In fact, our current 4th graders seem like some of the fastest runners in our school. Â Not only did students run, they were able to participate in multiple Track and Field events. … Continue reading
Kid’s Soccer Camp
University Schools 12th grade students must design and implement a “Senior Project” towards their graduation requirements. Â Sometimes our students get very creative and even plan programs for elementary kids. Kid’s Soccer Camp – youth soccer camp ages 5-13 $15 … Continue reading
4th Grade Hikers
We have some very strong hikers in our class.  Students were able to discover and learn about rocks and sandstone formation during our morning at the Devil’s Backbone. Later during the afternoon, the thunderstorm held of long enough for students to … Continue reading
Field Day 2014
Wow! Â Our P.E. teachers host an incredible event each school year; Field Day is an outstanding day of outdoor movement. Â What a fun day!
The Bear Game
The Bear Game was a great opportunity to learn outdoors. Â Students got into “den groups”. Â Each group representing one bear in nature. Â All four of the bears involved had specific details that affected their ability to collect food (popsicle sticks). … Continue reading
4th Grade Track Meet
Wow! Â We have some awesome athletes in our class. Â The Track Meet went very well today. Thank you to all of the parents who came to support and cheer on our students.
Field Day 2013
Field Day was super hot and sunny! Â Fortunately, our students know how to stay hydrated and keep going. Thank you Kerry Breen, Erica Walz and all of the parents who volunteered and helped make this day possible.
Track Meet
Students enjoyed plenty of great exercise outside today. Each 3rd and 4th grade student in our class competed in the Track Meet. Due to the bright sunshine most of the pictures are not clear. Â I was able to recover a … Continue reading
Track Meet Rescheduled
Due to our rain today, the elementary Track Meet was canceled. Fortunately, it has been rescheduled for next week. Â Come volunteer or cheer your child on next week, Wednesday, October 3rd, 10:30-12:30.
Spirit Week was fantastic!
Everyone did their best at the track meet on Wednesday! Since we have a shortened week, we will not have homework due. Â No school on Friday, October 14th or Monday, October 17th. Due on Friday, October 21st: Spelling packet Skills … Continue reading